How to pronounce Saysky
Have you also wondered how to pronounce Saysky?
Many of you have asked us if there is a meaning behind the name and how to pronounce Saysky.
First of all, the name SAYSKY originates from “Look up in the sky and be a star”. To be a star means daring to be brave, to take risks and follow your dreams. And we admire everybody, who follow their own star and beat their own best.
We have asked our SAYSKY athletes to give their personal SAYSKY version.
According to the dictionary, SAYSKY is pronounced:
| seɪ | + | skʌɪ |
But from our perspective, there is no right or wrong way to say it.
We believe that there’s always room for differences and individual interpretation, and we are inspired by human creativity and embrace all the unique languages and accents we get to experience in our global community.