Saysky Sub Rosa: Cologne & Paris - 2023
The SAYSKY Sub Rosa street-race series is now coming to Germany and France, with the below dates and locations open for free registration. There are 100 available spots for each race. First come. First serve.
This is an alleycat-style race, where the goal is to track down an unknown number of checkpoints throughout town. You don’t know how many or how far you’ll run. We’ll only give you the first checkpoint seconds before takeoff.
It'll require navigational skills and local city knowledge. In order to win, you'll need to be quick on your feet and even quicker with your decisions. Look below for all the practical details:
Checkpoint 0: Heilandt Café
Check-in: before 18.30
Race start: 18.45
Checkpoint 0: Trail & The City
Check-in: before 19.00
Race start: 19.15
- All runners will be dressed in a SAYSKY scrimmage vest, so we can tell who is who and you can see who you'll be running away from.
- You'll need to track down a couple of checkpoints in a specific order to complete the city-based course.
- The first checkpoint will be provided during the race briefing, shortly before takeoff.
- There is no fixed course or path to follow. It's up to you to find the fastest way to the checkpoints through the city.
- The distance will be somewhere between 5k - 10k. It depends on the number of checkpoints and how well you can navigate the city.
- Once you reach a checkpoint, you'll get a mark on your wristband so we can see that you've been there.
- At each checkpoint, you'll be informed about the location of the next checkpoint.
- You'll start and finish in the same place (Checkpoint 0).
- The first man and woman to return back with all checkpoint marks wins.
- Bonus reward for the best navigator (shortest GPS distance).
We expect you to locate the checkpoints without the assistance of your smartphones. If you're in doubt, you can always ask around. Our checkpoint staff can also point you in the right direction if you look overly confused.
But don't worry too much - we've only picked well-known locations in the city. If you're still struggling, then we suggest keeping up with someone who knows their way around the block and then beat them on the final stretch.
Please arrive ready to roll, but you can leave your personal belongings safely at checkpoint 0.
For questions: support@saysky.dk
You'll be taking on the city with no guidance, course or anyone looking out for you. We expect you to respect the general traffic rules and be extremely aware of your surroundings. Running through the city comes with risks, however, as experienced city runners, you're well acquainted with these and you know how to get from A to B safely. By signing up to this race, you accept that SAYSKY/Heilandt/Trail And The City cannot be held accountable for any damages or injuries that you may cause or sustain before, during or after the race. Taking part in the SASKY Sub Rosa Race is at your own risk.