Setting goals with Emil Ingerselv - father of four
Streak running has become an increasingly popular phenomenon within running circles. Whether running 2 km a day, or 20, run streakers push for consistency – and just to keep things clear, we’re not talking about running nude here (not judging though), but running consecutively day after day.
Emil Ingerslev, 37, realised he was a run streaker back in 2020. A software developer by profession, he decided to stop using his car or bike to get to and from work. Instead, he would begin his running journey which, without him knowing, would turn out to become his new passion.
Soon after, he was completely hooked. He told his wife that he could do it for the rest of his life. Some days later, Emil began to document it on both Instagram and Strava.
Once he started, he never looked back.
Now, as an established run streaker, as well as being a father of four, Emil Ingerslev recently reached his third consecutive year on the run. Now, in the more than 1,113 days since he got started, he has become one of Denmark’s most recognizable run streakers, a designation loosely defined as ‘an athlete who runs on consecutive days for a set period’.
"As a person, I'm consistent and determined. This is where I get my energy from, and ultimately also what ignited my running streak."
According to Streak Runners International and the United States Running Streak Association, some people have exceeded five decades of streaking. Atop the active run streak list is Jon Sutherland, aged 72, who has run for 19,590 consecutive days, or 53.6 years. And (likely) counting.
On a typical week, Emil drops off or picks up his kids by running, where they’re either cycling alongside or being pushed in a running buggy. Then he runs to work, reaching the first 21,5km in his running shoes before his workday begins.
At the end of the day, he gets back into his running clothes and runs to find a bus. He hunts for a bus stop where he and the bus will stop at the same time, which means that if the bus is due in a few minutes, he will run to the next stop. This way he gets to run 5-10km extra after work, which also helps him to clear his head getting home to his family. At this rate he’s able to accumulate more than 200km per week.
As such, Emil has no extra transport time, which means he can spend more quality time with his kids. For example, they often join him on weekend runs, either cycling alongside or by him pushing them in a running buggy.
In setting up his goal for 2022, Emil explained that it all started in 2021 when he had the idea to run 7,702 km (equivalent to a half marathon per day), but had a minor setback and completed ‘just’ 7,400 km.
“When I was chatting to my neighbour, he teased me a bit and suggested I should chase the 10,000km goal. I laughed back and said it would take an insane amount of effort... But then, as with any challenge, I couldn't help but wonder about it.”
As a result, Emil started 2022 by running more than he was supposed to. The strategy worked, and already by August he had racked up 6,600 km, which meant that he needed to ‘just’ run on average about 21 km a day for the remainder of the year, a distance that was manageable for him. As a result, he reached his goal of 10,000km just before the end of November, ending the year with a total of 11,008km (an average of 30.15km per day).
Naturally, what comes to mind when dealing with such a big goal, is also how to deal with the potential outcome of not achieving the goal:“There is always a fear of failure. Because the goals have filled so much of my drive. What am I without that goal?”
Surprisingly enough the biggest issue for Emil is not ‘failing’, but rather figuring out which objectives to aim for once the goal is achieved. However, he has experienced that whether a goal is achieved or not, it is always replaced with a new one.
“Someone told me; There's no way you ran that much for several years without a break” Emil describes, thinking back to a conversation he had a while ago. “My point is: I’m not special. It’s possible, I just decided to be consistent.”
He realises that one day, his streak may very well come to an end – and when that happens, he’ll share the conclusion with his followers. But for now, he keeps going.
“It’s a big word to say, and perhaps a bit cliché, but running is life to me, as the goals I pursue have filled so much of my drive” Emil said. “It’s strange to say that, because life is everything. But running also makes me feel like we have tough days in life and we just don’t give up. You push through, and the good part will come.”
Apart from being a very dedicated run streaker, Emil has also been an avid supporter and user of SAYSKY for a very long time – and seriously putting our gear to the test. We’ve compiled some of his favourites, which you can explore right here.
Emil doesn't just love to run. He loves talking about it and hopes that he can encourage and inspire others to enjoy running:
"My main goal is to share my love of running. I always hope that I can inspire the next person to go out and enjoy running”.
Check out Emil's stats from the 2022 season for a bit of extra motivation:
- 11,008km (11 megametres)
- 103497 vertical meters (11.7 times to the top of Mount Everest)
- Another year of 365 days of running (1,113 days in total)
- 817 runs throughout 2022
- 30.2 km/day on average
- 4"53/km average pace
- 363 days with a half marathon or more
- 3052 km with the kids
- 10 pairs of shoes worn out
- First 100 km race (Brooks OUT 101km - 1st place in 8:39:35)
- Skytrail 42 km (2nd place in 4:41:26)
- First official marathon (CPH Marathon - 2:52:04)
- Half marathon PR (Silkeborg Half - 1:19:16)