Sub Rosa Race: Copenhagen - Dec 5
The SAYSKY Sub Rosa Race is a low key street race that'll require navigational skills and local city knowledge. In order to win, you'll need to be quick on your feet and even quicker with your decisions.
The race is free, however, there're only 30 available slots, so don't wait around if you want to take part. See below for time and place details:
- Checkpoint 0: SAYSKY HQ, Willemoesgade 7C, 2100 KBH Ø
- Date: December 5
- Check-in: no later than 17.40
- Race briefing: 17.45
- Race start: 18.00
The SAYSKY Sub Rosa Race is not for the rookies or those afraid to take the altered path. This is a race for the experienced running vets, so please keep this in mind before signing up:
- You'll need to track down a couple of checkpoints in a specific order to complete the city-based course.
- The first checkpoint will be provided during the race briefing, shortly before takeoff.
- There is no fixed course or path to follow. It's up to you to find the fastest way to the checkpoints through the city.
- The distance will be somewhere between 5k - 10k. It depends on the number of checkpoints and how well you can navigate the city.
- Once you reach a checkpoint, you'll get a stamp on your hand so we can see that you've been there.
- At each checkpoint, you'll be informed about the location of the next checkpoint.
- You'll start and finish in the same place (Checkpoint 0).
- The first man and woman to return back with all checkpoint stamps wins.
- Look for the sign-up details further down.
We expect you to locate the checkpoints without the assistance of your smartphones. If you're in doubt, you can always ask around. Our checkpoint staff can also point you in the right direction if you look overly confused.
But don't worry too much - we've only picked well-known locations in the city. If you're still struggling, then we suggest keeping up with someone who knows their way around the block and then beat them on the final stretch.
Signing Up (Closed)
This is a competitive event that'll challenge your otherwise always coordinated and planned nature as a runner. Here's how to sign up:
- Price: 0 DKK
- Maximum: 30 runners per event (mix gender)
- Apply via the registration form here (sign up is closed): Race Application Form
Applicants will be selected based on their 5k times and not as a first come, first serve basis. We'll send out a participant confirmation/info e-mail a few days before the race with the specific details outlined.
What's in it for you?You'll have a lot of fun, while battling with the other runners about being the fastest street racer in town. The fastest man and woman will get a pair of Sub Rosa Tracksters, plus there'll be free nutrition provided by Vitamin Well and Cliff Bars.
Please arrive ready to roll, but you can leave your personal belongings safely at the SAYSKY HQ.
Start List
- Anne Holm: 32:58
- Caroline Wolf: 44:06 (female winner)
- Helene Draborg: 57:45
- Julie Høgh: 44:42
- Julie Hyld: 44:44
- Katrine Preisler: 57:45
- Christina Gründahl Molbo: 58:00
- Nina Hansen: 39:33
- Terese Ammundsen: 1:00:57
- Eduardo Lima: 50:44
- Allan Steen Olesen: 33:37
- Andreas Pietras Bøgh: 36:38
- Christoffer Hagemann: 37:15
- Nikolaj Dam: 32:24
- Valdemar Baltzersen: 43:14
- Emil Holm: 42:54
- Jesper Halvorsen: 41:06
- Joakim Skovlund: 41:04
- Kasper Rebenstorf: 32:31
- Lars Ryberg Vikkelsø: 45:49
- Leon Kofoed: 32:22 (male winner)
- Lars Pedersen: 38:31
- Malthe Poulsen: 36:59
- Marquis Caldwell: 1:00:58
- Mikael Drasbek Kanstrup: 38:46
- Arne Jakobsen: 36:14
- Oliver Hostrup Sahlberg: 40:02
- Pascal Nordgren Timshel: 40:57
- Peter Jensen: 43:25
- Patrick Møller Kjellmann: 44:07
- Rasmus Rune Raabjerg: 57:31
- Renaldas Bugys: 36:27
- Thomas Ryaa: 42:16
- Michael Christensen: 43:24
- Søren Hansen: 44:45
- Steffen Falch: 33:29
- Michael Jeppesen: 36:12
- Martin Freddy Guhle: 38:43
- Allan Vang Rosenbjerg: 35:34
- Michael Stewart Fogh: 49:28
Race Video
You'll be taking on the city with no guidance, course or anyone looking out for you. We expect to you respect the general traffic rules and be extremely aware of your surroundings. Running through the city comes with risks, however, as experienced city runners, you're well acquainted with these and you know how to get from A to B safely. By signing up to this race, you accept that SAYSKY cannot be held accountable for any damages or injuries that you may cause or sustain before, during or after the race. Taking part in the SASKY Sub Rosa Race is at your own risk.
For questions: info@saysky.dk